Klicka här för att söka tävlingar och resultat fr.o.m. år 2011
Namn Licens Födelseår Far Mor Morfar
Apollonya 225206 1999 Ravell Gaja Ganesco
Apollo Skovsby 202022 1994
Apollo vd Maltahoeve 232607 2000 Querelle Famagusta vd Maltahoeve Guignolet
Apolly 10640 1985 Apollo Sacha Noorderer Chap
Apolly Polaris 201987 1992 Shiva du Loup x April Souvenir Souvenir D
Apolonia 253759 1999 Harwest Amelia Mustaf
Apostrof 20786 1987 Hertigen Anastasia Krevad
Apostrof 900048 1981 Abbe Liselott Lansiär
Appache 222533 1991 Gondoljär RNF Missma King
Appalachian 998658 1994 Starry Night xx Indian Music xx Music Streak xx
Appalonia 968457 1991 Acapulco Gold Miss Take Fazon
Appalonia 931170 1988 Little Boy Heathmar Jewel Marius
Appart v/d Zuuthoeve 258962 2006 Graf Grannus Duchesse van de Zuuthoeve Thunder van de Zuuthoeve
Appassionata 37660 1976 Rashid Indian Shade Indian King
Appassionata 941363 1987 Cid Ben Afas ox Polka Ciaestorps Master Mariner
Appåwa B.A. 200536 1982 Noble Action Miss Ceylon Ego Hannover
Appealing Realm 967265 1987 Star Appeal Peace of the Realm Realm
AppelJack 13195 1968 Abbe Nelly Diogenes
Appella 973925 1987 Picasso Anique Avanti
Appels First Knight 236098 2000 Appel Basket Lucky Appel Dunkety Buzzard
Appelton 954420 1989 Music Streak xx Appelle Relko
Äppelvikens Pix 7251 1980
Appendix 2045 1983 Wärnanäs Styx Maruscka Krezus
Appetit 3728 1976 Allegro Susi Astronaut DK
Appie 22505 1982 Alme Z Karola Flaneur
Applause 22514 1983 Aleksander
Apple Blossom 974062 1990 Labrador Maria Rote Boldt
Apple Blossom 228740 1991 Quartz Green Lease Cameo Dunker Buzzard
Apple Essence 253758 1994 Athlet Z E-Unlimited Lord
Apple Goliat 220647 1996 Apple Basket Lucky Apple Dunkery Blizzard