Klicka här för att söka tävlingar och resultat fr.o.m. år 2011
Namn Licens Födelseår Far Mor Morfar
Whip 21862 1987 Bordeaux Mary Lou Opium
Whipcord 25586 1981 Whip It Quick Capella Philemon
Whip It Quick 1972 Philemon Ma Griffe Indian Ruler
Whiplash 22737 1987 Modesto Gala Goya
Whipp 12709 1972 Nepal Violette Verdi
Whipped Cream 963736 1990 Meesa Hesa Guns Honey Son of a Gun
Whipped Cream 246514 2001 Warsteiner (SWB) Libelle Briar (SWB)
Whippy 222476 1994
Whipster 956603 1991 Little Q Abigail Abbe
Whirlwind 241934 2003 VDL Radisson Pamela Jimtown
Whiskey 242354 2003 Royal Bravour Pyrella Ahorn
Whiskey 10984 1978
Whiskey 985449 1988
Whiskey 73244 1977 Wolfsburg Lady
Whiskey 236368 2001 Warsteiner Ganette Ganesco
Whiskey 219217 1985 Gandalf Grå Round town Gypsy Niggerstep of Bidgela
Whiskey 230716 1994 Vermouth Angelique Asterix
Whiskey Mac 1991 Victor Hugo Franco Celt
Whiskey Mist 2953 1978 Utrillo Peggy Pegasus
Whiskie 966637 1991 Electro Walente Hertigen
Whisky 15926 1986
Whisky 22348 1986
Whisky 1967 Porfyr Musse Hof
Whisky 4750 1974 Weinbrand Libelle Abglanz Sohn
Whisky 77774 1978 Besk Edelweiss Dawson
Whisky 94315 1973 Harras Margolio Obelisk
Whisky 900009 1974
Whisky 9623 1979 Wärnanäs Simsalabim Willow No Pinking
Whisky 10785 1980
Whisky 11686 1979